아시아나항공, 해킹에 뚫렸다일부 고객 개인정보 유출

SW 불법 설치파일로 위장...정보유출과 PUP 설치 동시 실행하는 악성코드 발견

KISA, 2021년도 디지털보안 혁신기술 뽑는다

현대중, 업계 최초 정보보호 국제표준 2 인증보안사고 예방

[데이터융합포럼 특별기고 7-2] 우리 법상 가명정보 규정은 기본권을 침해하는 잘못된 입법인가?

Researchers Identify More Malware Used By SolarWinds Hack Group

The Accellion Breach Keeps Getting Worse—and More Expensive

European Banking Authority hit by cyber-attack

Thousands Hacked: New Cyber-Attacks Affect Organizations Big and Small

Pittsburgh hospital employee inappropriately disclosed patient health information, UPMC says

Ransomware attacks more than doubled last year as cybercrime operations scale up during coronavirus pandemic


Posted by Cappuccino sapiens

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Cappuccino sapiens




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